Here is the information sheet and the order form for the spaghetti dinner kits. I announced it on Sunday but some of you might not have been there. You should be able to print an order form or fill one out onlline which ever works best for you. Let me know if you have any questions.
On July 31st, we will be putting together 3,6,9, or 12 months worth of spaghetti dinner kits for food storage. The amount you get will depend on how much you feel you can spend. There are a few options to choose from. These meals are based on a two-week dinner menu.
• First you will need to decide how much of each ingredient you will need for one meal.
• Then you will times each ingredient by 26 weeks (if you are doing a years supply.)
• You may choose to order 1/2lb of noodles or 1lb of noodles per meal based on the amount your family will need to eat.
• Next decide what kind of sauce you would like to purchase, premade jars/cans or homemade. (Note you may have to add some ingredients for you homemade sauce that are not on the order form if you use a different recipe.)
• Those ordering the premade sauce will need to purchase your own cans or jars to assemble with your kits. We will only provide the noodles and Mylar bags.
• Those ordering homemade sauce have to option of leaving the meat out. (FYI, leaving the meat out will lower the price significantly)
• Then total the price amount for each item and the final total.
• We will assemble the kits into Mylar bags to extend the life of the ingredients.
Here are some estimated prices
1 years supply
• 1lb noodles OR 1/2lb noodles
• 1lb OR 1/2lb homemade sauce with meat
Total Price: $135.40 OR $79.70
9 month supply
• 1lb noodles OR 1/2lb noodles
• 1lb OR 1/2lb homemade sauce with meat
Total Price: $101.55 OR $59.78
6 month supply
• 1lb noodles OR 1/2lb noodles
• 1lb OR 1/2lb homemade sauce
Total Price: $67.70 OR $39.85
3 month supply
• 1lb noodles OR 1/2lb noodles
• 1lb OR 1/2lb homemade sauce
Total Price: $33.85 OR $19.93
1 year supply
• 1lb OR 1/2lb noodles
• premade jar sauce not included
Total Price: $17.66 OR $9.52
9 Month Supply
• 1lb OR 1/2lb noodles
• premade jar sauce not included
Total Price: $13.25 OR $7.14
6 month supply
• 1lb OR 1/2lb noodles
• premade jar sauce not included
Total Price: $8.83 OR $4.76
3 month supply
• 1lb OR 1/2lb noodles
• premade jar sauce not included
Total Price: $4.42 OR $2.38
For questions, call Mandi Allen: 623-243-5191